Saturday, July 18, 2009

DAY TWO - The morning

Good morning! I'm all excited about the day and could sleep no longer. This morning we're getting up, heading to breakfast, and then we'll load the bus at 8am. Our bus group will be heading to a local school to help clean up the area. We'll be meeting up with some middle school kids there - as part of their basketball registration, they are required to participate in community service. After lunch we'll meet with our speaker, Tiger McLuen, and he will lead a session. Our evening will consist of a picnic dinner (weather permitting - it's the same cold weather in Peoria as it is in Duluth. New Orleans is going to be a major shock for our bodies!)

I just have to share, it's such a privilege to travel with Trevor, Jordyn, and Dayin! They are awesome young adults! They jump right into things with excitement and energy. We talked a bit last night about serving the needs of the communities we're in and not for what we're needing. Picking up trash may not be what we're wanting (playing carnival games with little kids at the children's home may sound way more fun) - but this community also has this need. Hearing them express that they are open to what we'll be doing today shows a level of maturity. I'm excited to hear their stories at our Family Time tonight and where they saw God in their day.

On a side note, we love reading the comments that are left. We encourage those that are reading along to drop us a note! It's encouraging knowing all of you back home are surrounding us with prayers and support.

A prayer request - Brittany Yagoda will be hopping on a plane tomorrow morning bright and early as she heads to New Orleans to be a part of the Gathering Volunteer Corps. Pray for safe travels for her.

- Deb


Kathy said...

We wanted to let you know that you are all in our prayers and thoughts as you make this amazing journey together! Stay focused on your mission and have a great time!

The Gang in Fargo (at least this weekend)

Kathy, Deb, Heidi, Kylie, Brooke, Paige, Abby and our lone guy...Aaron.