Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kay, today was a good day :] so far.. We went to Cafe' du Monde, for breakfast, Their frozen coffee is sooo good. I have been eatting well on this trip :] big smiles to that! hehe. Then we had to go to our learning day in the convention center, We built thing outta trash for and environment thing, then we went to a work shop called "love matrix reloaded" it was about how power full and never ending and unconditional and unexplainable gods love is. Then we went to this room where you can write prayers on a huge sheet of paper. We got stamped for all of them and then we showed all of our stamps and then got a bandanna We road the trolley street car to the french market, where we ate lunch, Brad Pitt and Angelina Joelle eat there when they are in New Orleans. We are gonna go down to Burbn Street and look before worship. These beds are amazingly comfortable! I wanna pillow like these for my bed! Its really hot today.. Me and Trevor were talking to these kids that are from Texas, and they said that its been so hot down there that this 80-90 degree weather was sorta cold to them and we were like 75degrees was hot for us! The veiw from our hotel room is really pretty at night! You know whats weird?.. There is a 13th floor in this hotel.. and guess who's room is on that floor!? Ours, yes that right! So far we have been asked 3 times for money.. but we are not alowed to give any, yet if they say they are hungry we can buy then food if we would like. I saw this women and she had 2 kids and they were sitting on the ground and one of the kids were crying, and they had a sigh that said someing along the lines of "homeless, need a place to stay!" ;[ I fee so bad for them that they had to live on the hot humid streets of New Orleans. Yesterday we had our service project and we wend to a place called " Ashe' " it was cultural arts center. we got assigned to go next door to this art day camp for kids. I was a lot of fun, me and Jordyn were playing with the little kids, and they were cute as a button :]. One was Cody, he kept tickling me! then Brock was so cute and playfull. Another cute thing was that Jarvis fell asleep on Jordys leg ;]. after that we went and got snowcones that Ashe' bought us. Then everyone from the three busses went to the daycamp building and we did this thing were the had 15 like African drums and danceing and they would call 15 people up to drum and then 15 people up to dance then they would teach the dance to the 15 people and then they would teach the beat to the 15 people and then they would do it together. I got to drum and dance. The dances and beats were from Africa and South America and New Orleans. The speakers were amazing at worship yesterday, there was one who lived in Congo, and got taken away by the army or what ever its called there when he was playing soccer after school when he was just five. He got put in the back of this truck and then got taken out and then the guy cut his wrist and put a mixture of gunpowder and cocaine in the wound, to like control his emotions I guess you could say then he was blindfolded and given a gun and it was to heavy so he droped it the guy put it back in his hands and put his finger on the triger and was told to shoot so he did, then the guy took off the blindfold and he shot his best friend dead. They were told to attack this village and then they all ran except this kid kept running and running for three days and then eventually found his mama and daddy. His name was Michel shomthing I cant remember the last name. I got to go to worship now so talktoyalater! -Dayin.


LaRayne said...

Amazing & awesome stories!

Love LaRayne